Saturday, 3 December 2011

Announcement : Semua bloggers and all bride to be Malaysia...

Salam to all readers and all beautiful bride to be...

Alhamdullilah..after a while talking and discussing to cik izyan ,cik dhiera & cik efa...i come out with a group for all bride to be especially for b2b 2012..yang lain nak join sangat di alu-alukan...

kisahnya hanya ringkas...kerana saya suka badge pic yang ada pada blog cik efa..


nak buat sendiri memang la tak pandai...sape yang buat ni pun tak tahu la..hehe..creative...i love it..

tak sangka...after post and share this bagde pic cik izyan and cik dhiera pun berminat..then i said to cik izyan...rasa cam nak wat group je utk b2b 2012...then she said..why not..

tak sangka dapat sambutan...huhu..ingatkan hanya dhiera and me jer ahlinyer..hahaha...

with only less than 24 hours...we already collected 25 members for this moment...maybe this no will increase i guess..and i hope so...hehe...kena positive bak kata cik dhiera..

nway thanks to cik dhiera...cik izyan and cik efa yang mencetuskan dan memberikan kerjasama pada mrs.irmidrza to create this group..

its not for me..but for share and give an info to each other...i hope members of the group..please..sharing and don't hurt each others ok....hope our silaturrahim yang tercipta atas dasar iman dan seagama ini akan kekal untill we become a wife and a mom to our beloved husband and family...

hahaha...dah cam khutbah jumaat plak..huhu..

ok jom sape nak join ???

Apa yang perlu dibuat untuk join?

1. Kalau berminat nak join, klik link ni ye. [klik sini]
2. Kemudian, tekan ask to join.

3. Tunggu approval dari saya and my beloved 2nd admin cik dhiera..hehe...

Senang je kan? jom kita meriahkan suasana in our fantasy world blogging...huhu..tak boleh blah ayat..hehe..


fazlien said...

ala..sedihnye..i nk join tp i nak split kn fb n blog b2b..malu la kalo org y kite kenal n rpt tau psl blog b2b i ni..hehehe.lg2 my fiancee..nt die perli i sb buat blog b2b..=(
anyway.. i akan follow up je cume xjoin.thanks irmidrza dan geng2..

Unknown said...

lorrr...ciannyer..hmmm takpe fazlien kitorang buat group ni you can see the update without having to join..just keep update jer ngan group ok..hehe..dont wory..anything baru2 announcement i will post in the blog also..=)

Anonymous said...

oh, kalau join grup xsemestinye kne add friend kan? kalau add lagik bagus... :)

kite dah add, nnt approve la kite :)

Unknown said...

lagi bgus kalu add..senang skit..=)

Azizah green line said...

salam perkenalan. jijah da join group b2b..weee~~

Khairiyah aka Kerry said...

dah click!!tengkiuuuuuu! hihih

Ira said...

knp xleh nk join pn..@_@ ble klik tu xkua pape pn..