Thursday, 12 April 2012

A day make you smile..

Salam to all readers and beautiful bride to be...

suddenly miza rasa terpanggil nak update dekat blog ni...


bile tengah2 sibuk camni..the first thing yang terbayang2 kat depan mata is katil...bila dapat merehatkan segala otot2 dan sendi di atas katil miza rasa...waaaa....syurga...huhu..

i know nothing about others..but i think most probably the same..akan terbayang i right???.huhu..

haha...why suddenly miza citer pasal katil ekk?? huhu..owhh the reason why telling all the readers about bed is..just want to advice..ohhh please use your masa lapang wisely..

that's why we have to remember 5 things before comes 5 things..

1. Sihat sebelum sakit
2. Muda sebelum tua
3. Kaya sebelum miskin
4. Lapang sebelum sempit
5. Hidup sebelum mati.

kadang2 kita terlupa kan...bila dah sibuk...we forgot almost everything..our relationship...our attitude...even sometimes our promise to the lord(ALLAH)...sebabnyer body kiter tengah stress...and saat2 genting ni la ..banyak benda yang akan membuatkan kita sedih dan sakit hati..sikit jer orang buat kiter...kite akan i right?? 

the treshold of getting hurt is low...huhu..

so that's why ade orang kata...if you want to you know your real self...look the way you act when you are stress...

ubat stress ni senang jer sebenarnye...relax...even banyak benda...bertimbun2 assignment...berlambak2 DIY nak buat tuk kerja kahwin...just senyum...and slowly get yourself done till the end...

said is easier than done...sangat2 benar kata2 itu..kadang2 miza pun..bila dah sibuk2 ni..stress ni..rasa cam...waaa...everything seems wrong..

so what i do is..ok first...calm yourself...and tarik nafas panjang2...and get back yourself do the check list...check the important one...and finish it...then slowly getting yourself smile...dengarla music2 yang hepi...jangan la dengar music yang liriknya tak memberi semangat..

the best music is...holy quran...try it will calm down after a while...

erkkk...ape yang miza cerita ni..huhu..get back to topic...

owhh sebenarnye...ade orang tanya miza...why you cope yourself with all this...tak penat??

hahah...i.m just smiling...sape yang tak penat...ask mr.irmi..berapa kali i will send a message to him..said...i'm tired...kaki lenguh..tolong gantikan kaki tuk miza...huhu..

tapi bila kita penat just let it be...just remind yourself...for our future and ikhlaskan diri kerana allah...

nak ikhlaskan diri...yer memang sangat susah..miza tak a very low person like me..sometimes...its very hard to do so..but just think of...dunia ni dah tak lama dah usia dia...

believe are too old...banyak dah petanda...never too late for us right...just remind us to make ourselves better...

last but not least when  you are too tired...just think of benda yang hepi2..heheh..

cam miza...i will think of my wedding..huhu...even the day still questionable bila date nyer..huhu..

cam petang tadi..getting myself smile bila mr.irmi tibe2 tanya...boleh ke kita buat majlis kat dewan dekat kuala kangsar? soalan cepu emas betul pakcik ni..huhu..mestila boleh...sebabnye miza tak nak buat majlis besar2..tapi die nak buat...memangla terbalik kami ni..huhu..cant imagine bila betul2 kami kene prepare wedding day kami...

sangat tak sabar...nak menunggu...pray for us girls...

and to all b2b yang tengah berusaha bertungkus lumus buat preparation..good luck..=))


Nuha hayati said...

suke entry ni. ada peringatan, info, semangat. all in one. tq miza :) all the best to u too


hehe smbil brceloteh, smbil kongsi ilmu entri ni.. huu suka2! :)

Unknown said...

nuha : tq dear..=)) thanx datang baca blog miza..=))

cinta untk kita : time kasih dear..=)) tq datang...

both of you...soryy guys...miza masih tak sempat nak blogwalking..=))