Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Wedding survey 2012

Salam and bismillah to all readers and beautiful bride to be...

Alhamdullilah..today one more task was settled even with a lots of heart breaking...manage to settle down my presentation...so for the next 4 days i guess it will be heaven for me..not to think about the posting and class..

so insyaallah will update more and more about wedding for b2b out there..

so for today..sory a bit dry sebab takder picture nak letakk...hehe...sebab hari ni rasa nak listkan kat korang semua apa yang kita perlu survey awal2..kalu lagi awal lagi bagus...senang nak aim mana vendor yang best2..heheh..

my habit lately asal buka internet..mesti nak survey pasal videographer and photographer..entah ada penyakit ape ntah..hahah..

survey punya survey..fuhhh...tak usahla berangan nak jadi one night cinderella kalu takder rm1500 dalam tangan nak hired OP yang terkenal2 cam CST ke..ahmadfairuz ke..fuhh...memang mengeluh la nak bayar...but their works are superb..memang tak leh nak nafi...sangat kagum..huuu..kalu dorang sponsor..memang mrs.irmidrza angkat tangan tinggi-tinggi..haha..angan2 mat jenin..

so at last terpaksala berusaha keras survey videographer and photographer yang baru2 so that we can reduce the budget..ramai sangat dah sekarang ni...so type jela kat google ni..berjela2 keluar..

heee...bukan nak wat survey pasal videographer and photographer sebenarnyer...huhu..review list ni nnt mrs.irmidrza akan keluarkan after abis survey ok..still in the process..

ape yang nak bgtau korang malam ni ialah...

things that you need to survey early are below :
  1. videographer and photographer 
  2. make up artist
  3. wedding planner @vendor (tak larat nak tulis semua type)
looks so simple...but...heee tryla survey...adeeeh...tegang2 urat kepala dok depan laptop ni..heheh..

nway..after this i will review one by one the 3 major things that we should survey earlier..especially for those b2b yang cam mrs.irmidrza..yang akan semakin hari busy semakin busy...

actually why we need to survey earlier??? is because of we want to compare the best among the best and suitable with our budget..

so hope usaha ni akan berjaya...hehee...sebab tadi baru terjumpa
  1. videographer and photographer 
  2. make up artist
yang boleh tahan harga die..tak mahal tak murah sangat...but hasil kerja..sangat cantik...=) really like it...so wait for the next entry and post ok!!!


Miss Ika said...

ok, tak sabar nak tunggu review on that.
saya pun tengah survey2 yg sesuai ngan budget.
nak hire yg superb memang harapan. ngeh3x

Unknown said...

hehe...tgu ekk miss ika...still dlm process mencari..