Saturday 24 March 2012

Lovely dress for sweet lady..

Salam to all the readers and beautiful bride to be..

alhamdullilah we met again...

malam ni miza just nak share gambar 2 ladies yang dulu miza sangat admire..but alhamdullilah now both allah izin beri hidayah...which i'm very happy...for them..

they also have their own usrah...may allah bless them always..

this lady..sape yang tak kenal...kak irma hasmie...

kak irma ni miza tak pernah la jumpa or kenal...tapi she is very sweet...bila dia pakai tudung..miza sangat suka..gald to hear sorang lagi dari saudara seislam kita allah beri hidayah pada mereka...

tapi bukan itu miza nak share ngan korang..heheh..

of course cam korang semua tahu..hari ni..kak irma bertunang..

and really love her dress..

made by hatta dolmat..lagi la gorgeous kan..hahah...

anyway miza just nak share picture from abang nara...all the picture kredit to him..and di kesempatan ini..congrate kak irma for ur engagement...

ALLAH knows better for u right...HE give u the best gift that we never think about it before...

ok jom tengok layan the picture...

gambar pertunangan irma hasmie 
2 ladies that i'm really happy when ALLAH give them alhamdullilah the NUR...=)))

gambar pertunangan irma hasmie 
sweet...this colour is favourite colour!!!

gambar pertunangan irma hasmie 

gambar pertunangan irma hasmie 

gambar pertunangan irma hasmie 


Unknown said...

cantik sangat2 irma pakai dress macam tu kan? :)

yolanda diego said...

sweet je warne nye.

FY said...

FY suka dress tapi kalau dikurangkan labuh meleret tu,lagi ok rasanya..hehe..susah kot nak gerak salam2 tetamu..huhu

SarahSyafiq said...

salam kenal miza:)
yup, irma nampak sweet sgt kan dgn warna itu.

DianaSafri said...

Thanks Miza,

u gave me new idea utk sketch new bride dress..Love to deco, diy n design.

I'm new blogger..
Salam perkenalan,