i'm back....finally i have time to wrote something and at least updating something in this blog...i'm so happy and glad to be back...
after going through a hardship as a houseman in HKL...finally i can adapt myself being as a doctor...for the past 4 month ada la juga seolah2 culture shock orang putih kata...being a doctor is not an easy like many people think we are....maybe what you see is different from what is the reality...
blog ni pun dah mcam ape miza tengok penuh dengan comment anonymous yang merepek2...huhu hampeh sungguh rasanya...hahah...
now i'm in peadiatric department...its not an enjoying posting i can say...sebab dari medical student this posting is tough posting...tapi hati terubat tgk budak2 yang comel2..hehe...that's the reason why i'm still here berbakti pada negara...ecehh...hheheh..
almost 5 month miza tinggal dunia maya...miza tak on FB...tak tgk tenet...tak tgk citer korea...tak peduli about my wedding stuff...i'm just concentrating about my work...which i think depressing sometimes...now is the time i'm gaining back my real life....
so i.allah after this miza akan citer banyak tentang pengalaman miza dkt hospital dan perkembangan terbaru about my new life and good news about my wedding....
no one care actually..and i know it...heheh...tetapi its just a sharing for my future life...siapa yang terhibur dan dpt pengajaran....i'm glad....hoping you all the best...
this weekend kita jumpa lagi i.allah ok!!!
see you guys..=))
cepat2 update.. lama ye nak tunggu miza adapt~
@diyana : =) working as a doctor is not that tough and hard...but people surrounding and the environment makes your life hard...=))
@dhiera : hmm tula 3 bulan tuh dah dpt rentak cuma masih dalam mood kepenatan bila balik keje...mesto katil tmpt tujuan...hahah..
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