Saturday, 16 March 2013

weekend off..

salam to all readers and beautiful bride to be...

weekend off is the most exciting weekend yang memang miza tgu sejak dari hari isnin lagi...hehe..hampeh kan...keje tahu nak cuti jer...

menjaga budak2 yang sakit...smpai kita pun berjangkit dari dorang...batuk tak baik2...semalam diarrhea macam dah kene acute gastroenteretis dah...but anyway so far i'm having quite a good day in this posting compared to the last posting...because of  the environment yang takder nak kene pekik tiap2 hari yang asyik nak berdebar tiap kali masuk labour room or jaga ward...i'm not that type of girl yang leh jaga patient yang gaya itu...i'm not that sooo kind of human...hahah...

alhamdullilah everyday there is an improvement...eventhough knowledge tu masih orang kata haha...tahap hampeh lagi...hopefully allah bless me and always beside me..

nak citer ttg pengalaman as a doctor...terlalu banyak tuk diciter...kene marah dengan patient...saat gabra time oncall patient bleeding yang kaw2 punya....berdepan dengan patient yang fussy....fuh...terlalu banyak pengalaman nak dicerita...tapi for me..biarlah dia menjadi rahsia antara hati ini dengan allah...siapa yang salah...siapa yang ikhlas...hanya allah tahu...yang penting i do my my job with the best that i could...

miza pernah tanya mr.irmi...dia nak ke anak dia jadi doctor??  tak kisah ke ada isteri seorang doctor..the answers is a big yes...kalau orang tanya miza...i would say...if you really dont mind and really passionate about it..yes go ahead...but kalau dipaksa usahla will stop in the middle of the journey...

heheh...macam ape kan sesi dia...

tapi apa yang miza letak prinsip dalam keje...whatever people say....katalah ape2...dont keep it in your heart...when you step out from the door of the ward...just happily going back and dont think about ward anymore....just live you life happily and enjoy it...

i love to say it...even your day is worst on that day say it to can do better tommorow...

5 bulan berkerja....jadikan miza lali dengan kerenah dan perangai manusia yang masya-allah...sesungguhnya hamba ini tidak pernah terpikir ada manusia sebegini diatas muka bumi allah ini...tapi what to must go on....even its hard you have to face it...

i'm so lucky....even sometimes i met with so unlucky people...but at the end i will met with a good fellow...with made my day...=))

ok boring cakap pasal keje...nnt miza sambung plak pasal wedding ok!!

see you guys soon...

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